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Principal's Page

  Principal Email Phone
Mr. Neil Leone (732) 787-0092 ext. 7500



Ocean Avenue School

Holiday Break Updates!

Happy Holidays!

Wishing everyone a peaceful and joyous holiday season! The school will reopen promptly at 8:40 AM on January 2, 2025. 

Kids Heart Challenge

We are  excited to share with you that we have accepted the American Heart Association Challenge! We have committed to prioritizing our heart and brain health as well as being prepared to save a life by learning Hand Only CPR through Finn’s Mission.

Now it’s your turn, students. Go to to  join our school’s Kids Heart Challenge team and get started on the Finn’s Mission online learning module where you and your family can learn the lifesaving skills of hands only CPR in just two minutes!

Once half the students in our school register, and we raise our initial $1,000, we will earn an EXTRA $500 to shop for wellness and PE equipment for our school. If we reach our goal, Mr. Abbot will let the class with the highest % of students registering and one student per grade raising $100 or more to water balloon him! What fun!

Students that complete Finn’s Mission will receive Finn’s Lifesaver Cape and they will also be entered into a drawing for 2 tickets to the NFL Super Bowl LX (60) in 2026. For every 18 students that complete Finn’s Mission, our school will also be entered into a drawing for a $10,000 gym makeover!

Wow! How does that sound?

We can’t wait to see how many of our students sign up and learn how to save

a life by completing Finn’s Mission. Go to or the AHA Schools App to get started. Thank you for helping us create a community of lifesavers! We are proud of you!

Trimester One Report Cards

Please click here for a letter pertaining to trimester number one report cards from Mr. Cullen, Assistant Superintendent. Report cards, which reflect progress, performance, and growth areas in all subjects, will be accessible via the Genesis Parent Portal on: Friday, December 13th.

Preschool and Kindergarten Information Nights

General details pertaining to Kindergarten and Preschool Information Night, which is set for Wednesday, January 29th, are accessible below for your reference: Preschool Information Night;   Kindergarten Information Night

Teacher of the Year/Support Staff Person of the Year

Recently, the 2024-25 Ocean Avenue School Teacher of the Year as well as Support Staff Person of the Year were announced. Join us in congratulating Mrs. Cassidy as Teacher of the year and Mrs. Ayotte as Support Staff Person of the year for 2024-25!

235 Ocean Avenue